【99熱銷】馬玉山黑芝麻粉 - 马玉山黑芝麻粉 - GREENMAX BAG BLACK SESAME POWDER

$3.79 $4.49
Shipping calculated at checkout.

300g (48小包)/袋

Product of Origin: Taiwan

Expiration Date: 05/15/2025

Childhood classic fragrant black sesame powder, selected ingredients, pure taste, ready to brew, convenient and fast. 99 Fresh is an online asian grocery store and provides a complete range of Chinese groceries.

兒時經典香噴噴芝麻糊,精選用料,口味純正,沖泡即食,方便快捷。99 Fresh提供品種最齊全的亞洲商品。

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