樂事酸辣檸檬雞爪味薯片 - 乐事酸辣柠檬鸡爪味薯片- LAYS HOT&SOUR BRAISED CHKN FLAV. CHIPS

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70G / bag

Product of Origin: China

Expiration Date:06/29/2024

A versatile snack, crunchy and addictive, Lay's will adjust the flavor of potato chips according to local tastes in each region, so each country's Lay's has its own different flavors. 99 Fresh is the best online Asian grocery store and provides a complete range of Chinese groceries.

百搭零食,香脆上癮,乐事在每个地区都会根据当地的口味来调整薯片的风味,因此每个国家的乐事都有自己不同的口味。99 Fresh提供品種最齊全的亞洲商品。

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