一之鄉金鑽鳳梨蜂蜜蛋糕 - 一之乡金钻凤梨蜂蜜蛋糕 - PINEAPPLE HONEY CAKE

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16.66oz / Box

Product of Origin: Taiwan

Expiration Date: 06/21/2025

The most popular Taiwanese honey cake has a light, but chewy texture with slightly floral taste.99 Fresh is the best online asian grocery store and provides a complete range of Chinese groceries.

最受歡迎的台灣伴手禮,一之鄉蜂蜜蛋糕有著香醇的蜂蜜香氣,多種口味滿足每個人不同的喜好。99 Fresh提供品種最齊全的亞洲商品。

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